Sun Cabinet Manufacture issues. September 08 2022 2 Comments
Dear customers, I regret to inform you that Sun Cabinet is not shipping anymore of their products. As per their ownership they are trying to sell the company to new owners. Once the deal is complete we will be able to supply you with this beautiful product again.
We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience - we love this furniture so much!
Mary Ellen Toffolo on December 03 2022 at 09:40AM
Hi Joseph,
happy our bedroom is on the way and thank you for all your help. Absolutely love this piece and if there is any way of getting it, please let Ron and I know. It would be a perfect addition to my home. Have a happy holiday!
Sarah English on September 14 2022 at 12:26AM
Are products are able to be shipped? Or an update on when that might be able to resume?